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I'll admit, I'm not sure how Mr. Hannity will pull this off. Bell's act of revolt at the time of the clip was a plan to take a leave of absence from his tenured position as law professor until such time as the school agreed to offer tenure to a black female. Yes, he went on one of those infamous "well-then-you-can-just-withhold-my-salary-and-vacation-leave" -type rampages from the 60's. And honestly, Bell has had a history of working within the system at high levels of academia and prestigious national organizations. He made a substantial contribution on more fronts than I can name here, both to the intellectual discourse about race, and to practical Civil Rights concerns.
But if anyone can make this guy - and Barack Obama by association - look like a race-warrior, Sean Hannity can!
Maybe he can quote some of the inflammatory language from one of Bell's polemical tomes. For example, his book Ethical Ambition: Living a Life of Meaning and Worth, (obviously a handbook on destroying the white devil) is replete with the message of insurrection:
- “Power in the hands of the reformer is no less potentially corrupting than in the hands of the oppressor.” (Wait, that sounds like a caution against using any means necessary. Sean should skip that one.)
- “We live in a system that espouses merit, equality, and a level playing field, but exalts those with wealth, power, and celebrity, however gained." (Clearly the subtext here is, "Take to the streets! Tear our cities down! Burn, baby, burn!")
The Story Behind the Obama Law School Speech Video