Election Day!
How can I help
reelect the President?
It's Reader's Day - I want to know how YOU have involved yourself in the election process!
You don't need to tell me who you are, just tell me what you're doing this year to be involved: are you volunteering? Donating money? Hashing the election out on facebook, or around the dinner table?
How do those discussions go?
Have you ever changed someone's mind?
Anonymous comments welcome!
Are you in Red country, or Blue? Have you found the dialogue contentious among the people you know? How informed about the issues do you find your family and friends?
Have you volunteered this time around?
What do you suggest for those who want to get involved?
Does it take a lot of time?
Do you have to go door-to-door or make phone calls, trying to sell people on your candidate; or are there other roles one can play?
What about cash contributions? Campaign finance is a big issue this year, with Citizen's United in full swing. Have stories about the millions being tossed around affected your own giving?
Let me hear how you personally have created a feeling of connection to the process of reelecting our Prez!