I actually love working on the weekend a lot anyway, so it's not clear to me why Fridays still feel like Fridays, but it's nice.
I have to drink a little toast (with my coffee, don't worry) this morning to the two young ladies above who helped avert a little Maslow's Peak crisis I was having. I don't get my posts out as fast as I'd like, and have little freakouts sometimes, because the stuff I write about is so tied to daily events - at least in my mind. Sometimes it seems like hourly events.
But I have taken some sound advice, and will finish my piece on the PA court proceedings I watched online yesterday, and hmm.. maybe stop promoting my work before it's completed???!?!? What a concept.
Anyway, those two pretty faces at the top of this page belong to a couple of the smartest women imaginable - always thinking, always questioning, soaking up ideas from around them likes sponges, then sharing them, with their own take. VIP's, in my book.
Happy Friday.
PS - just thought of something. I ought to give shout-outs to my friends more often. There are some people in my life who I couldn't make it without (you know who you are) and I need to throw them some love from this space.
There I go again, pre-promoting....