Please answer the following ten questions, based only on the pictures below.
- Are these people responsible?
- Do they have good judgement?
- Do they have professional discipline?
- Are they qualified to serve in leadership roles?
- What efforts have they made to lose weight?
- Why weren't they successful, and what does that tell us about their character?
- Should they be allowed to serve as public officials without addressing the obvious questions the public might have about their weight?
- What can we extrapolate about their concern for society simply by looking at these pictures? For example, can we assume from their weight that they aren't able to care well for themselves, therefore cannot be expected to care well for others?
- Is it fair for these people to take on roles that affect other people, knowing their weight increases their statistical probability of disease?
- How would you personally recommend they approach their health management, and how would you like them to inform you of their progress?